Volume 1 Issue 1
01/ 01/2020 : Volume 1 Issue 1. pp 1-89
1. Title : Aphrodisiac Properties of the Mineral Element constituents of Garcinia kola (Heckel) In Nigeria
Authors : O.O Adetola, and O.E Akinyemi
Abstract. Lack of important mineral lead to a disturbance in testosterone level, also lead to an increase in the activity of the enzyme monoamine oxidase (MAO-B) which is responsible for depression, and Phosphodiesterase (PDE-5) which is an enzyme responsible for low blood flow to the Corpus Carvanosum. Mineral nutrients are very important in most enzymatic reactions. Various works have shown that Garcinia cola is highly rich in mineral nutrients. Result of present study shows that Potassium and Calcium are the most abundant mineral elements in Garcinia kola seed (0.039% and 0.041% respectively). Sodium and magnesium represent (0.0072% and 0.011% respectively). The seed contains 0.022% Phosphorus while Copper, Iron and Zinc have significantly low concentrations (0.0029%, 0.00057% and 0.00018% respectively). Lead is not detected in the sample, showing that the seed is not poisonous.
Keywords: Garcinia kola, aphrodisiac, Phosphodiesterase, Mono-amine oxidase, Mineral nutrients.
2. Title : Competition Policies and Laws in Bangladesh : A Tool to Redress The Suffering of The Citizen As Well As to Protect The Interest of The Businessmen
Authors : Md Mahabubur Rahman, and Mohammad Rafiqul Islam
Abstract. A very strong voice against anti-competitive activities and in seeking a state’s intervention found in Bangladesh for long. The responsibilities to combat unhygienic competition in business and protect the interest of the businessmen lies on the state and by means of policy and law a state can address the matter and ensure healthy competition in business. The laws on competition in Bangladesh are not inadequate if someone wants to argue and it could be a matter of sanguinity because of the enactment of Competition Act which supplemented the legal regime of competition. In this respect, the main objectives of this paper are to understand the legal coverage for competition and identify the way forward.
Key words: Act, competition, monopoly, policies, laws, competition commission.
3. Title : Digital Literacy For Teacher Efficiency
Authors : Aguemeka, Chinyere, Babatunde, Christopher Femi, and Mode, Bello Gagi
Abstract. This study contributes to the limited research available on digital literacy skills for teacher improvement. The advent of ICT brought new opportunities that require a skill set to operate better and faster both in the education sector and in the world of work and business. The case for teachers’ digital literacy is cogent in the information age to keep them efficiently updated in their areas of specialization and production of student graduates that can thrive in the digital environment. The level of digital literacy skills a teacher possesses affects the extent to which the teacher puts ICT to use. This study outlines some of those digital literacy skills required by teachers, there importance and application and further puts forward some suggestions to teachers, students and the government for the improvement of digital literacy skills of both teachers and students.
Keywords: Digital Literacy Skills, Teachers, ICT.
4. Title : Energy and Nucleus Field are two Parameter to Determine Particles, Created in Pair Production Phenomena
Authors : Saddam Husain Dhobi, MD Jahangeer Rangrej, and Sweta Kumari Verma
Abstracts: This analytical work help to understand the relation of incidence energy photon, nucleus of an atom and particles formation in pair production phenomena. Theses all are dependent to each other directly that means high energy photon and high atomic mass nucleus produce high massive elementary particle and antiparticle and some other photon having energy less than incidence photon. While low energy photon and low atomic nucleus produce lighter elementary particles and antiparticle, in this cases photon may or may not produce. Example, the minimum incidence energy photon for pair production is about 2mc2 or 1.02MeV, produce only electron and positron not any other photon while energy greater than 2mc2, produce either electron and positron or other elementary particle and antiparticle and moreover some photon in some condition.
Keywords: Energy Photon, Atomic Mass, Electron and Positron, Particle and antiparticle.
5. Title : The Distributive Role of The State
Authors : Brahim Idelhakkar, Said Tritah, Amin Hadri
Abstract. The main normative criteria for fairly allocating public resources are set at the level of the social contract or the constitution. In the reality, the question of the optimal distribution does not arise in its abstract terms. But in fact it is rather to correct the existing distribution to better reflect the goals set, so the State must seek redistribution criteria by taking regulatory measures against imperfect competition. The distribution or allocation is inspired by concerns of equity. The State acts to redistribute national income through taxation and transfer expenditures. In the consumer economy, this redistribution of resources includes the capital and physical work capacity of individuals.
According to Bénard (1985) transfers which are monetary or in kind alter the distribution of income or wealth among individuals.This distribution can result from an optimal functioning of a competitive market economy and an optimal allocation of common goods from an initial wealth given distribution:
We restrict to public transfers whose intervene through the State that interposes financially between agents subject to tax and those reached by subsidies.
Keywords: welfare, distribution, transfer, tax, rate of subsidy, social cost, equilibrium
6. Title : Yield and Yield Component’s Response of Onion (Allium cepa) to Farm Yard Manure; A Review
Authors : Abera Jaleta Berkessa
Abstract. The aim of this review is to provide a brief review and identify the research gab regarding the influence of farm yard manure on yield attributes and bulb yield of onion. Excessive amounts of inorganic fertilizers are applied to vegetables crops in general and onion in particular in order to achieve a higher yield. However, continuous usage of inorganic fertilizer affects soil structure and generates several deleterious effects to the environment along with human health. Therefore, it is imperative to look for cheaper and environment friendly methods of soil fertilization. In this regard, the use of organic fertilizer which is beneficial and ecologically friendly has currently attracted considerable attention. Organic farming or organic foods are becoming symbol of healthy living and common people are getting more and more aware about what they are consuming. Of the organic fertilizers farm yard manure is majorly used in onion production. When we use farm yard manure for onion maximum care should be given for the amount to use, which depends on crop type, variety, soil fertility status and etc. Growth and yield of onion is affected by application of farm yard manure at different rates. Yield attributes of onion such as, bulb weight, bulb dry weight, bulb diameter and total bulb yield, and marketable yield are affected by farm yard application at different rates. To obtain higher values of these parameters the application rates of farm yard manure can be from 5 to 40t/ha depending on the above mentioned and other factors. In general it is also good if the application farm yard manure is integrated with recommended inorganic fertilizers, because now days, integrated nutrient management is becoming a viable strategy for promoting efficient use of chemical fertilizers with addition of organic manures.
Key words: Onion, farm yard manure, yield, organic fertilizer, application rate.
7. Title : EM-Bokashi Addition to the Growing Media for the Quality Improvement of Kalanchoe Blossfeldiana
Authors : D. Prisa
Abstract. In this study, the effect of introducing different amounts of EM-Bokashi into the growing medium of Kalanchoe Blossfeldiana was evaluated (Figure 1) to determine whether this organic soil is able to improve the growth and flowering of these succulents. The five experimental groups in cultivation were: i) group without beneficial EM-Bokashi; ii) group with 5% EM-Bokashi; iii) group with 10% EM-Bokashi; iv) group with 15% EM-Bokashi; v) group with 20% EM-Bokashi. All plants treated with EM-Bokashi showed a significant increase in the agronomic parameters analysed compared to the untreated control. The results show that the addition of Bokashi to the growing medium of Kalanchoe Blossfeldiana can improve plant quality, in particular agronomic and physiological characteristics and increased nutrient and water uptake. The analytical results lead to the following conclusions: i) the addition of already 5% Bokashi to the growing medium can bring significant improvements to the cultivation of Kalanchoe Blossfeldiana; ii) significant improvements in terms of plant and root biomass will stabilise for amounts of Bokashi in excess of 10% in the substrate; iii) EM-Bokashi significantly improves plant nutrient and water uptake; iv) plants treated with Bokashi photosynthesize and have a higher chlorophyll content and are more efficient in the use of water; v) the qualitative and physiological improvement of plants is probably determined by the presence of beneficial bacteria in the Bokashi soil conditioner, which stimulate plants and increase nutrient uptake.
Keywords: Microorganisms; Sustainable applications; Succulent; Rhizosphere; Effective microorganism.
8. Title : Customer Churn Prediction in Banking Industry Using K-Means and Support Vector Machine Algorithms
Authors : Abdulsalam Sulaiman Olaniyi, Arowolo Micheal Olaolu, Bilkisu Jimada-Ojuolape, and Saheed Yakub Kayode
Abstract. This study proposes a customer churn mining structure based on data mining methods in a banking sector. This study predicts the behavior of customers by using clustering technique to analyze customer’s competence and continuity with the sector using k-means clustering algorithm. The data is clustered into 3 labels, on the basis of the transaction in and outflow. The clustering results were classified using Support Vector Machine (SVM), an Accuracy of 97% was achieved. This study enables the banking administrators to mine the conduct of their customers and may prompt proper strategies as per engaging quality and improve proper conducts of administrator capacities in customer relationship.
Keywords. Customer Churn, Banks, K-Means and SVM.
9. Title : Motivation Enhancement Program and Parental Support Behavior and their Effects on Academic Performance of the Academically At-Risk Senior High School Student
Authors : Mary Ann C. Tuazon
Abstract. Many students today are considered at-risk, and they struggle academically, emotionally, or behaviorally. Many programs have been implemented to help at-risk students. Both successes and failures of these programs can be examined and analyzed for further research to meet the growing needs of at-risk students in classrooms today. This study employs the descriptive research design. Three sets of inquiry form were adopted; the first one is the modified student data form from the Guidance Office of Sta. Monica Hagonoy, Bulacan, the second is the 17-item questionnaire with four sub-components that is answerable using 5-point Likert Scale from strongly agree to disagree where "5" is the highest strength, and "1" is the lowest scale. In the light of the findings of the study, the following conclusions were drawn:
This research had obtained that most of the at-risk students have low achievement motivation, emotional and behavioral difficulties and the motivation programs enabled students to increase their achievement motivation and helped them cope up with their difficulties.
The academic performance of the academically at-risk students in terms of the core; specialized; and applied subjects were progressed and improved after the implementation of enhanced motivation program.
The extent of parental support behavior has no significant effects on academic performance of at-risk students.
10 Title : A Holistic Approach to Innovation Management in Banking Industry
Authors : Md Harun Or Rashid, and Shahara Akter Eva
Abstract. The main purpose of this study is to develop a holistic approach for innovation management in banking. Secondary materials have been extensively used, interpreted and reinterpreted to substantiate the arguments. The analysis has been confined to banking industry. However, the experiences of various sectors have also been analyzed to strengthen the arguments. The article mainly deals with theoretical background of cultural creativity and innovation management in banking towards a holistic approach for guiding managers to a highly dynamic and competitive business environment. This study reveals that one of the key factors of any organization is to foster and encourage creativity and innovative practices for sustainable growth and development. Multiple approached reviewed to develop holistic approach for cultural creativity and innovation management in banking. This study revealed that creativity and innovative strategies are essential factors for sustainable growth and development in banking. It also shows that the bank performed better which adopted creative and innovative strategies. The study recommends that ensuring cultural creativities, adopting innovative strategies, ensuring more innovative products, improving products, repositioning products, introducing user friendly IT based products, etc are necessary for a bank to ensure short-term and long-term growth and development.
Keywords. Cultural creativity, innovation management, banking, holistic approach, strategic innovation.